RE: [nsp] Identifying a PA-2FE-TX / PA-2FE-FX via SNMP or CLI

From: Clinton Work (
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 23:31:52 EDT

The "show diag" command should do the trick under 12.0S.

From 7500 router:

router>show diag 1
Slot 1:
        Physical slot 1, ~physical slot 0xE, logical slot 1, CBus 0
        Microcode Status 0x4
        Master Enable, LED, WCS Loaded
        Board is analyzed
        Pending I/O Status: None
        EEPROM format version 1
        VIP2 R5K controller, HW rev 2.02, board revision A0
        Serial number: 136946501 Part number: 73-2167-05
        Test history: 0x00 RMA number: 00-00-00
        Flags: cisco 7000 board; 7500 compatible

        EEPROM contents (hex):
          0x20: 01 1E 02 02 00 A6 FF F5 49 08 77 05 00 00 00 00
          0x30: 50 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

        Slot database information:
        Flags: 0x4 Insertion time: 0x27CC (10w1d ago)

        Controller Memory Size: 128 MBytes DRAM, 4096 KBytes SRAM

        PA Bay 0 Information:
                Fast-Ethernet PA, 1 ports, 100BaseTX-ISL
                EEPROM format version 1
                HW rev 1.00, Board revision A0
                Serial number: 09612324 Part number: 73-1688-04

        PA Bay 1 Information:
                Fast-Ethernet PA, 1 ports, 100BaseTX-ISL
                EEPROM format version 1
                HW rev 1.00, Board revision A0
                Serial number: 09123121 Part number: 73-1688-04

-----Original Message-----
From: MPLS Newbie []
Sent: 13 May, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: [nsp] Identifying a PA-2FE-TX / PA-2FE-FX via SNMP or CLI

Does anyone have any experience discovering cisco linecards on the 72xx/75xx

family via SNMP or CLI that they could share with me?

I am having trouble figuring out how to distinguish between a


And a




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