Re: [nsp] Open BGP conection passively

From: Sean Crocker (
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 14:40:07 EDT


>When start peering with another ISP, the passive command would be nice.
>Suppose ISP-A & ISP-B are going to peer with and ISP-B is filtering BGP
>packets from not-peered source address to their bgp router, like ACL185 on
> .
>And if ISP-A configure before even ISP-B's configuration schedule is not fixed,
>ACL violation logs would be shown continuously on ISP-B router,and this might
>bother ISP-B ops.
>If such passive configuration is implemented on cisco devices, I could say
>"OK we have configured passively, you can start peering anytime you like" etc.
>Am I too concerned about new neighbor? :)

It sounds like a reasonable request. You could either open a
TAC case or make the request through your local account team.

This also reminds me of Juniper's knob to accept incoming OPEN
requests from implicit peers. Perhaps another worthy thing if
enough customers ask for it.

Hope this helps,

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