Re: [nsp] Flash Cards and 7200's

From: Simon Lockhart (
Date: Mon Feb 26 2001 - 11:11:59 EST

>How do you format a flash card in a 7200? Do you need another card with an
>existing format in the other slot? I get this error...
>Here are some clips from the router.
>Router#format slot0:
>Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]
>Format operation will destroy all data in "slot0:". Continue? [confirm]
>Formatting sector 1
>%Error formatting slot0: (Write dib error)

Have you got it write protected?

>Router#sh slot0:
>Open device slot0 failed (Bad device info block) <<<<< this used to be in
>a GSR.

Although C7200's and GSRs use the same flash format, C7200s have pairs of
bytes swapped whereas GSRs don't. They also have a different version of
MONLIB code on the card (whatever MONLIB is).


Simon Lockhart                       |   Tel: +44 (0)1737 839676 
Internet Engineering Manager         |   Fax: +44 (0)1737 839516 
BBC Internet Services                | Email: 
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