Re: Full BGP and memory

From: Gert Doering (
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 12:48:21 EDT


On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 12:42:25PM -0400, George Robbins wrote:
> It's an interesting question. IOS *has* to store more information
> when soft-reconfig is enabled, the question is how selective it
> is, and if/when it gives it back. I think to really resolve the
> issue you might have to try removing and replacing BGP sessions
> or trying it one way, rebooting, and trying it the other way.

I did try "remove it on the eBGP session and reboot", but never thought of
"remove it on all the sessions (and optionally reboot)". Will try and
then report back.

My uptime figures are really quite low these days... *sigh*


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-35655025              

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