[nsp] "inactive" ports? (WS6k, SUP1AE+MSFC/2xGBIC)

From: Christopher Neill (noise@cow.org)
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 20:36:47 EDT

anyone ever get this jazz?

switch02.sjc (enable) sh port stat 1
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
----- ------------------ ---------- ---------- ------ ----- ------------
 1/1 inactive 60 full 1000 1000BaseSX
 1/2 inactive 60 full 1000 1000BaseSX
switch02.sjc (enable) set port dis 1/1-2
This command may disconnect your telnet session.
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?y
Ports 1/1-2 disabled.
switch02.sjc (enable) set port en 1/1
Failed to enable port 1/1.
Port may be faulty.
switch02.sjc (enable) set port en 1/2
Failed to enable port 1/2.
Port may be faulty.

$Id: .sig,v 1.43 2001/04/07 18:00:44 noise Exp $
"It's a kind of love affair. If you spend half an hour making scrambled eggs
in the morning for someone, then you really love them." -Chef Boulud

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