[nsp] cpu load fron snmp

From: Tamas SZERB (toma@rulez.org)
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 04:25:23 EDT

It is not so clear what I need to be able to snmpget from a linux box the
cisco's cpu load, and memory usage.

I found a MIB file, but it is unclear what is useful for that? And do I
get these values simply with its number? Or it is necessary to get work
that MIB first?

Because I found a number for that, but it didnt work (now i don't remember
to that). Oh, i forgot, i need the environment's temperature, memory usage


Tamas SZERB <toma@rulez.org>
GPG public key: http://alabama.rulez.org/~toma/gpgkey-toma.asc

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