[nsp] 7200 ignoring boot system flash

From: jlewis@lewis.org
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 17:14:21 EDT

Anyone know why this 7200 might be refusing to honor boot system config
commands? I've got other 7200's and have never seen them do this before.

*Jan 24 09:58:29: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(19990210:195103) [12.0XE 105], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWA
Copyright (c) 1994-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
C7200 platform with 262144 Kbytes of main memory

Self decompressing the image : #################################################
######### [OK]

%SYS-4-CONFIG_NEWER: Configuration from version 12.1 may not be correctly unders
%SYS-6-READ_BOOTFILE_SKIP: boot system slot1:c7200-p-mz.121-5.T10.bin command is

%SYS-6-READ_BOOTFILE_SKIP: boot system slot0:c7200-p-mz.121-5.T8.bin command is

%SYS-6-READ_BOOTFILE_SKIP: boot system slot1:c7200-p-mz.121-5.T8.bin command is

%DEC21140-5-NOCARR: FastEthernet0/2/0 cable/connector problem?
%DEC21140-5-NOCARR: FastEthernet0/2/0 cable/connector problem?
%SYS-6-BOOT_MESSAGES: Messages above this line are from the boot loader.
Self decompressing the image : #################################################
############################################### [OK]

              Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.

           cisco Systems, Inc.
           170 West Tasman Drive
           San Jose, California 95134-1706

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 7200 Software (C7200-P-M), Version 12.1(5)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/ibld/view.pl?i=support
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 08-May-01 09:35 by ccai
Image text-base: 0x60008960, data-base: 0x6109C000

cisco 7206VXR (NPE300) processor (revision D) with 253952K/40960K bytes of memor
Processor board ID 20400142
R7000 CPU at 262Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache
6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.0

Last reset from power-on
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
2 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
2 Serial network interface(s)
125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K).
20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K).
4096K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).

Press RETURN to get started!

00:00:31: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up
00:00:31: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet2/0, changed state to up
00:00:31: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial3/0, changed state to down
00:00:31: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial3/1, changed state to down
*Jan 24 10:01:01: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/
0, changed state to up
*Jan 24 10:01:01: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet2/
0, changed state to down
*Jan 24 10:01:01: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial3/0, cha
nged state to down
*Jan 24 10:01:01: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial3/1, cha
nged state to down
*Jan 24 10:01:02: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet2/0, changed state to a
dministratively down

User Access Verification

Router#sh conf
Using 1762 out of 129016 bytes
version 12.1
no service single-slot-reload-enable
service timestamps debug datetime
service timestamps log datetime
service password-encryption
hostname Router
boot system flash slot1:c7200-p-mz.121-5.T10.bin
boot system flash slot0:c7200-p-mz.121-5.T8.bin
boot system flash slot1:c7200-p-mz.121-5.T8.bin
logging rate-limit console 10 except errors
enable secret 5 $1$qMMJ$yT4rPFmz5PRRlXx3PVjlw/

Router#sh slot0:
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1 .. image 84C0659C 9C0A50 23 10095056 Sep 24 2001 12:24:16 c7200-p-mz.1

10483120 bytes available (10095184 bytes used)
Router#sh slot1:
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1 .. image 84C0659C 9C0A50 23 10095056 Jan 24 1918 08:48:07 c7200-p-mz.1
2 .. image 14F4D8A9 1361AB8 24 10096616 Jan 24 1918 09:26:53 c7200-p-mz.1

386376 bytes available (20191928 bytes used)
Router#sh ver
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 7200 Software (C7200-P-M), Version 12.1(5)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/ibld/view.pl?i=support
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 08-May-01 09:35 by ccai
Image text-base: 0x60008960, data-base: 0x6109C000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(19990210:195103) [12.0XE 105], DEVELOPMENT S
BOOTFLASH: 7200 Software (C7200-BOOT-M), Version 12.0(18)S, EARLY DEPLOYMENT REL

Router uptime is 1 minute
System returned to ROM by reload at 09:58:28 UTC Thu Jan 24 1918
System image file is "slot0:c7200-p-mz.121-5.T8.bin"

cisco 7206VXR (NPE300) processor (revision D) with 253952K/40960K bytes of memor
Processor board ID 20400142
R7000 CPU at 262Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache
6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.0

Last reset from power-on
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
2 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
2 Serial network interface(s)
125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K).
20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K).
4096K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
Configuration register is 0x2102

 Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*|  I route
 System Administrator        |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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