Re: [nsp] NTP and older IOS.

From: Bill Brunton (
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 14:23:55 EST

For the fellow looking for a way to keep the clock accurate on a Cisco
2900 series switch, this might help you.

There is a Perl module that will assist you in telneting into the a Cisco
box to issue commands. Just write a short Perl program that gets the
time, telnets to the box, and sets the clock. Run the program as a cron
job once a day, or more frequently, if you desire.

Problem solved.

I am currently using this technique to read the port usage statistics from
a 3640 router every 5 minutes. No, the statistics I am looking for do not
seem to be available using SNMP. I have looked everywhere for them.

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