[nsp] To S or not to S?

From: Charles Sprickman (spork@inch.com)
Date: Wed Dec 26 2001 - 18:09:21 EST


I'm tempted to move over to the S train in hopes of making my life easier.

Looking at the HW/SW matrix, I should be good to go with the latest
12.0.19S1 release, but I'm hoping someone with similar hardware can
confirm there's no big surprises:


-7206 chassis w/NPE-150 128MB
-7206-VXR chassis w/NPE-300 196MB(?)

Feature wise, I need:

-802.1q (curious about performance/switching path)
-turbo acls
-cef that's not buggy

Too tall an order?



| Charles Sprickman | Internet Channel
| INCH System Administration Team | (212)243-5200
| spork@inch.com | access@inch.com

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