[nsp] removing access-list

From: Birsen Ozturk (birsen.ozturk@is.net.tr)
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 07:35:33 EST

Hello Everybody
On my Cisco 7204 I am using IOS version 12.2(1). When all debugging is disabled on the router, I removed an unused standard access-list:
cisco7204(config)#no ip access-list standard BLAH-BLAH
IP NAT debugging is off
IP packet debugging is off
Turning off all possible debuugging on ACL 0

Why it's saying that debugging is turned off when it is already off? What is ACL 0? I don't have such an access list configured? It does not affect the operation, I am just curious:)

Birsen Ozturk
voice:(+90)312 4552186

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