12/18/97 Internet Routing Problems

From: stats@merit.edu
Date: Fri Dec 19 1997 - 10:00:02 EST

See http://www.merit.edu/ipma for a more detailed report on
routing problems and recommendations on ways service providers can
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Reserved Network and Host Announcements
No routing problems were detected

Largest Sources of BGP Instability
(announcements + withdraws = total)

1. NetKonect (AS6716) at Mae-East 0 + 350832 = 350832 BGP prefix updates
2. GetNet (AS5784) at Mae-East 10 + 268780 = 268790 BGP prefix updates
3. SPRINT (AS1239) at Mae-East 228175 + 20068 = 248243 BGP prefix updates
4. USCyber (AS4136) at Mae-East 10 + 237890 = 237900 BGP prefix updates
5. idc (AS4694) at Mae-West 235 + 186362 = 186597 BGP prefix updates
6. internetMCI (AS3561) at Mae-East 75404 + 14911 = 90315 BGP prefix updates
7. internetMCI (AS3561) at AADS 54009 + 23074 = 77083 BGP prefix updates
8. internetMCI (AS3561) at PacBell 62598 + 12614 = 75212 BGP prefix updates
9. CompuServe (AS4183) at Mae-East 64 + 73139 = 73203 BGP prefix updates
10. ESnet (AS293) at Mae-West 308 + 48376 = 48684 BGP prefix updates

Instability Ranking of Service Providers
(The number of BGP announcements divided by the number
of routing table entries)

1. WCG(AS7911) at PacBell 47.00 (47 ann, 1 entries)
2. WireHub(AS5496) at Mae-East 40.13 (602 ann, 15 entries)
3. OLEANE(AS2917) at Mae-East 20.98 (902 ann, 43 entries)
4. Cableol(AS5089) at Mae-East 14.25 (57 ann, 4 entries)
5. BBNplanet(AS1) at Mae-East 11.96 (58623 ann, 4903 entries)
6. NetAxs(AS4969) at Mae-East 9.11 (838 ann, 92 entries)
7. Voicenet(AS3932) at Mae-East 9.06 (471 ann, 52 entries)
8. BBNplanet(AS1) at Mae-West 8.99 (42194 ann, 4694 entries)
9. CAIS(AS3491) at Mae-West 8.93 (3368 ann, 377 entries)
10. AGIS(AS4200) at Mae-East 8.22 (14658 ann, 1783 entries)
11. AT&T(AS6478) at Mae-West 8.11 (16311 ann, 2012 entries)
12. DREN(AS668) at Mae-East 8.06 (1822 ann, 226 entries)
13. InterAccess(AS3789) at AADS 7.44 (186 ann, 25 entries)
14. Seastrom(AS3066) at Mae-East 7.00 (7 ann, 1 entries)
15. Priori(AS10303) at Mae-East 7.00 (147 ann, 21 entries)
16. EUnet(AS286) at Mae-East 6.99 (7579 ann, 1084 entries)
17. SPRINT(AS1239) at Mae-East 6.96 (145366 ann, 20881 entries)
18. INS(AS6660) at Mae-East 6.50 (390 ann, 60 entries)
19. AT&T(AS6478) at Mae-East 6.15 (12367 ann, 2011 entries)
20. Internex(AS2828) at Mae-East 6.05 (363 ann, 60 entries)

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