05/21/98 Internet Routing Problems

From: stats@merit.edu
Date: Fri May 22 1998 - 10:00:03 EDT

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Reserved Network and Host Announcements
--------------------------------------- at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at AADS from UIUC (AS38) ASPATH=38 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1833 1299 3301 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1833 1299 3301 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1299 8516 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1299 8516 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1299 8516 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1299 8516 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1299 8516 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1833 1299 3301 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1833 1299 3301 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 1833 1833 1299 3301 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 6467 2941 INCOMPLETE at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 IGP at Mae-East from AGIS (AS4200) ASPATH=4200 IGP

Reserved AS Numbers
AS65000 at Mae-East from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 4230 65000 IGP

AS65000 at AADS from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 4230 65000 IGP

AS65000 at PacBell from internetMCI (AS3561) ASPATH=3561 4230 65000 IGP

Largest Sources of BGP Instability
(announcements + withdraws = total)

1. internetMCI (AS3561) at AADS 92853 + 19228 = 112081 BGP prefix updates
2. internetMCI (AS3561) at PacBell 53693 + 15604 = 69297 BGP prefix updates
3. internetMCI (AS3561) at Mae-East 48214 + 19406 = 67620 BGP prefix updates
4. SPRINT (AS1239) at Mae-East 48171 + 14780 = 62951 BGP prefix updates
5. Erols (AS6079) at Mae-East 61 + 57313 = 57374 BGP prefix updates
6. MainStreet (AS3720) at Mae-West 53 + 40727 = 40780 BGP prefix updates
7. AGIS (AS4200) at Mae-East 21646 + 2408 = 24054 BGP prefix updates
8. BBNplanet (AS1) at Mae-East 12448 + 8796 = 21244 BGP prefix updates
9. BBNplanet (AS1) at Mae-West 10924 + 7965 = 18889 BGP prefix updates
10. VisiNet (AS6261) at Mae-East 10071 + 3992 = 14063 BGP prefix updates

Instability Ranking of Service Providers
(The number of BGP announcements divided by the number
of routing table entries)

1. INSnet(AS5378) at Mae-East 61.30 (2023 ann, 33 entries)
2. INS(AS6660) at Mae-East 38.08 (1523 ann, 40 entries)
3. OurWorld(AS7594) at Mae-West 17.61 (4386 ann, 249 entries)
4. OLEANE(AS2917) at Mae-East 14.66 (733 ann, 50 entries)
5. AIMnet(AS3763) at Mae-West 12.62 (669 ann, 53 entries)
6. VisiNet(AS6261) at Mae-West 9.80 (1725 ann, 176 entries)
7. VisiNet(AS6261) at Mae-East 9.69 (1637 ann, 169 entries)
8. u-net(AS5669) at Mae-West 8.90 (89 ann, 10 entries)
9. DISA(AS568) at Mae-West 8.75 (4925 ann, 563 entries)
10. ANS(AS1673) at Mae-East 5.62 (9008 ann, 1604 entries)
11. Above(AS6461) at Paix 4.62 (134 ann, 29 entries)
12. GEOnet(AS3356) at PacBell 4.54 (463 ann, 102 entries)
13. ANS(AS1673) at Mae-West 3.73 (6313 ann, 1693 entries)
14. Above(AS6461) at Mae-West 3.17 (1115 ann, 352 entries)
15. Digex(AS2548) at Mae-East 2.16 (2383 ann, 1103 entries)
16. ANS(AS1673) at PacBell 2.02 (2548 ann, 1264 entries)
17. IPF(AS5409) at Mae-West 1.92 (73 ann, 38 entries)
18. BBNplanet(AS1) at Mae-West 1.80 (11037 ann, 6124 entries)
19. internetMCI(AS3561) at AADS 1.50 (25598 ann, 17049 entries)
20. Above(AS6461) at AADS 1.36 (474 ann, 349 entries)

Count of Announced Prefixes with AS origin IRR Discrepancies
(See http://www.merit.edu/ipma/problems/)

1. SPRINT (1239) at mae-east 4036
2. internetMCI (3561) at pb 622
3. BBNplanet (1) at mae-west 528
4. AGIS (4200) at mae-east 406
5. Digex (2548) at mae-west 364
6. IBMGlobal (2685) at mae-west 334
7. AT&T (7018) at aads 281
8. INAP.net (5646) at aads 186
9. Grid (6113) at pb 164
10. DREN (668) at mae-east 161

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