RE: [nsp] bandwidth 512

From: Cheung, Rick (
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 09:24:50 EST

        Furthermore, the traffic utilization was 540 bits/sec, and not
540,000 bits per sec. Is 540,000 bits/sec what you actually meant?

        The traffic will burst up to the port speed of the circuit, and is
not limited to the bandwidth statement on the interface, as Tim mentioned.

Rick Cheung

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Franklin []
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 6:17 AM
To: pankaj
Cc: Cisco-NSP
Subject: RE: [nsp] bandwidth 512


> I have configured my serial 0/0 with bandwidth 512
> It was working fine , suddenly i observed that the 5 minutes
> output rate 540
> bits/sec
> How its possible when bandwidth cap is 512 ..........????? Or is it router
> problem.
> What does bandwidth 512 do, will it but cap on output or input or
> cumulative
> of both.

'bandwidth 512' is simply used to calculate a cost for the link for OSPF
(and other IGPs?). It has no effect on the traffic permitted on the

You need to be looking at something like CAR or traffic shaping to control
the volume of traffic actually using the circuit.


Tim Franklin          ____________
Project Engineer      \C/\O/\L/\T/   EN&S -
T: +44 20 7863 5714    V  V  V  V  IP Services
F: +44 20 7390 7848

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