Re: [e2e] traffic dispersion and blocking probality

From: Jon Crowcroft (
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 01:59:44 EST

In message <>, Jing Shen typed:

>>I want to known if there has been some work done with routing path decision and network blocking probality?
>>Or, is there any paper with relationship between network blocking and routing ?
>>Each word will be highly appreciated.

well, if "blocking probability" == "not making useful progress due to
congestion, and trying to avoid minor congestio ncollapse of even
probing/trying", yes - there's Reslient Overlay Networking - uese
altertante routes if the default ones are bust, and the Global Grid
Forum people have built a simular system...

ip routes around problems - if it doesnt, recurse - route around ip...


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