[nsp] Recoving from a bodged 6500 IOS conversion

Simon Lockhart simonl at rd.bbc.co.uk
Thu Jan 9 21:18:01 EST 2003

On Thu Jan 09, 2003 at 03:04:05PM -0500, Martin Taylor wrote:
> 	The first time the box boots during the conversion it needs an image
> on the "bootflash:" (the one on the MFSC, 1 or 2 seem to function the same
> during boot process.) After you create a config and store it in NVRAM: it
> knows to explode the MFSC boot image out of the Sup image automaticly. 

Okay, cool. That sounds like the problem.

> I
> painfully waded through this process breaking nearly everything that could
> be broke. I ended up borrowing a bootflash from another box for the initial
> boot and then putting the blank bootflash back in after the conversion was
> complete (while it was powered off of course.) The same idea holds true if
> you do a "wr erase" on a Layer3 Cat6k, during that initial reload it needs
> the c6mfsc2-boot.... type image to come, after that it does care.

But is there any way to get this image onto the MSFC without swapping
bootflash: (as I don't have another MSFC2 on-site)? Whilst the documentation
talks about using "xmodem" from ROMMON on the MSFC1, that command doesn't 
seem to exist on the MSFC2 ;-(

Alternatively, is there a way to do whatever it does the first time it boots
(presumably fiddles with NVRAM), from ROMMON?

Looking at the NVRAM as it is at the moment,...

	rommon 5 > set
	PS1=rommon ! > 

Simon Lockhart             |   Tel: +44 (0)1628 407720  (BBC ext 37720)
Technology Manager         |   Fax: +44 (0)1628 407701  (BBC ext 37701)
BBC Internet Services      | Email: Simon.Lockhart at bbc.co.uk 
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