[c-nsp] New list: ddos-fighter

Nicolas FISCHBACH nicolist at securite.org
Tue Aug 17 18:14:36 EDT 2004

Hi all,

We would like to announce a new mailing-list:

  ddos-fighter at securite.org

This list has been created to enable owners and users of DDoS
detection and mitigation devices (*) at ISPs/NSPs to discuss
architecture and deployment, share tips, filtering templates,
experience and operational models, etc.

To subscribe send a mail specifying: who you are (ASN/company,
position/job desc., Internet security references - if any)
and which product(s) [detection and mitigation] you use AND
are willing to discuss/share experience on (no lurkers, no
marketing, no sales, etc) to:

  ddos-fighter-subscribe at securite.org

We may ask you to "prove" that you actually own and operate
such devices.

If you have any question or feedback: nico at securite.org

This list is not for real-time DDoS mitigation and inter-SP
coordination, for this please see nsp-sec:

Most of the nsp-sec charter applies to this list too. Also,
note that the list is currently not "public" (as opposed to
cisco-nsp or juniper-nsp for example).

(*) Arbor Peakflow, Cisco(/Riverhead) Guard, Mazu Profiler/
     Enforcer, TopLayer IPS, Captus IPS, TippingPoint Unity, etc.
     Things like ACLs and blackholing don't count :)

Nicolas FISCHBACH (nico at securite.org) <http://www.securite.org/nico/>
Senior Manager - IP Engineering/Security - COLT Telecom
Securite.Org Team - http://www.securite.org/

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