[nsp] 2000 ATM PVCs on Cisco 7200

Denny Reiter denny at reiters.org
Sun May 23 13:36:44 EDT 2004

On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 11:49:57AM +0200, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Sun, 23 May 2004, Denny Reiter wrote:
> > Right now I have a 7206 with an NPE-300 that's terminating 3,871
> > PVCs on one OC3 and 1718 PVCs on a second OC3.  I think you'll be
> > fine.
> Are you using the PA-A3 or PA-A6 card?


Even though it says it will handle 4,095 VCs, funny things start
to happen when we exceed 3,900 or so.  The majority of these are
RBE, with some management VCs and PPPOE thrown in.

We have another location that has an NPE-G1 and two OC3s with 3,714
and 2,643 VCs on them.  Needless to say, I like that one better :)
CPU on the NPE-G1 averages about 38% and the NPE-300 stays around

Denny Reiter                               denny at reiters.org
So I don't hurt your feelings:        happydenny at reiters.org
              The best things in life are free, but the
                expensive ones are still worth a look.

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