[nsp] 2000 ATM PVCs on Cisco 7200

Kinczli Zoltán Zoltan.Kinczli at Synergon.hu
Mon May 24 05:09:51 EDT 2004


  According to the data sheet one can use PA-A3 for 4096 simultaneous sessions
but there are 1024 concurrent SARon the PA.

  For me it has been an open question for a while, if the 1024 concurrent SAR limit
would cause any headache...

  If all those 4096 VCs receive/send max ETH MTU size packs (1500B, 32 cell)
distributed equally in time, than we would need 4096VC*32Cell/VC*48B/Cell,
which results in over 6MB buffer requirement, to prevent the PA from dropping cells,
just because the SAR limitation...

  There is 4MB SDRAM on the PA-A3 and 512KB SSRAM per SAR (i guess per SAR chip, not per concurrent SAR function)

  Granted, the distribution is not always so equal, avg pack sizes are less than 1500B,
but still the PA-A6 might have to be considered, i guess!

  Or am i missing something?


-----Original Message-----
From: Denny Reiter [mailto:denny at reiters.org]
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 9:03 AM
To: p.gaspar at mobilkom.at
Cc: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [nsp] 2000 ATM PVCs on Cisco 7200

On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 04:12:09PM +0200, p.gaspar at mobilkom.at wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to ask you guys, if you would recommend a Cisco 7200 with NPE-400
> for terminating 2000 PVCs on one ATM OC3 line. The PVCs do not generate much
> traffic, actually they will be used only for remote management access to
> 2000 devices speaking IP over ATM.

Right now I have a 7206 with an NPE-300 that's terminating 3,871
PVCs on one OC3 and 1718 PVCs on a second OC3.  I think you'll be

Denny Reiter                               denny at reiters.org
So I don't hurt your feelings:        happydenny at reiters.org
Sometimes, there's just no subsitute for knowing what the hell you're doing.
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