[c-nsp] Aironet 1230 and multiple VLANs

Peter Hicks peter.hicks at poggs.co.uk
Wed Jun 8 15:33:40 EDT 2005

Hi Reuben

Reuben Farrelly wrote:

> Yes.  Remove all IP addresses not on the BVI interface, my
> understanding is that they are not supported and arguably not
> neccesary either since you should be having the sub Dot interface and
> FastEthernet interface in the same bridge group(s).  As the thing
> doesn't route (it only bridges), it doesn't need an IP address for
> anything other than management via the BVI1.

This is the confusion you've added clarity to.

Yes, I know it only bridges, but I didn't realise that BVI1 is the 
untagged VLAN.  For historical reasons, VLAN1 at one of our sites is the 
production LAN.  Now there's a job to renumber everything.

> 2. You can only have 1 BVI1, or rather, only one is supported.  I
> think it allows you to set more than one up, but you're not supposed
> to do this.

I set up a FastEthernet sub-interface, a Dot11Radio0 sub-if and a BVI 
interface for each of the VLANs I had, and clearly here's where I went 
wrong.  It's not a straightforward job, and makes setting up VPNs look 
really quite easy.

Thanks for your input, I now have one AP live :-)


Peter Hicks | e: my.name at poggs.co.uk | g: 0xE7C839F4 | w: www.poggs.com

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