[c-nsp] IP Route Profile

John Neiberger John.Neiberger at efirstbank.com
Tue Mar 8 10:22:14 EST 2005

>>> "Oliver Boehmer (oboehmer)" <oboehmer at cisco.com> 3/8/05 12:14:44 AM
>John Neiberger <> wrote on Tuesday, March 08, 2005 12:47 AM:
>> Does anyone here know how to interpret the output of an IP route
>> profile? I read the docs and I thought it was fairly simple, but
>> I saw some things that I could explain based on my understanding so
>> must have been wrong.
>How about pasting your output from "show ip route profile" and tell
>what doesn't make sense to you (and why?)? ;-)

Okay, I just cleared the profile counters and here's what I'm seeing:

Change/   Fwd-path  Prefix   Nexthop  Pathcount  Prefix
interval  change    add      change   change     refresh
0         19        19       19       19         18        
1         0         0        0        0          0         
2         0         0        0        0          0         
3         0         0        0        0          0         
4         0         0        0        0          0       

Nothing unusual there, I suppose. However, further down the list I see

155       0         0        0        0          0         
280       0         0        0        0          1         
405       0         0        0        0          0         

Why is there an entry in interval 280 already? I just turned on route
profiling. It's been running for under a minute, so why is there data in
intervals so far down the list? That makes me think I don't understand
what I'm seeing.


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