[c-nsp] CCIE SP Lab brasil

Pete Templin petelists at templin.org
Mon Mar 14 09:29:18 EST 2005

Kim Onnel wrote:
> Well, Brussel is not an option any more, so i'm looking for other lab
> locations, I called them and they told me that the equipments are
> remote, i need anyone's feedback,
> your help is highly appreciated 

I do recall my RTP proctor mentioning that Brazil is a remote lab hung 
off RTP.  I doubt it would matter, since most people can't type at 1500 
kbps or anywhere close, and 26xx/3xxx routers still take a finite amount 
of time to "cop ru st" so some remote latency shouldn't really matter. 
Since the removal of VoX, there's nothing to gain by having the rack 
right there.

I just can't decide whether I hate San Jose or RTP more...


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