[c-nsp] BGP blackholling with communites

Oliver Boehmer (oboehmer) oboehmer at cisco.com
Mon Mar 21 04:18:01 EST 2005

Rob Polland <> wrote on Monday, March 21, 2005 9:57 AM:

> I have a customer that want to implement triggered black holling using
> communites ( if the customer faced an attack just send to our AS the
> route with a community and we set the route to null zero), can any
> body told me how can we do it or if any body have any document
> concerning this issue.

ip cef
! enable the following Null0 route on all your BGP speakers, don't
! into your IGP
int null0
 no ip unreachables
ip route null0
ip community-list 50 permit xxx:yyy
route-map PEER-INBOUND permit 10
 match community 50
 set ip next-hop
 set community no-export   ! optional
route-map PEER-INBOUND permit 20 

so you set the next-hop of paths matching the community xxx:yyy to a
bogus IP addresses which recurses to Null0. If you create the static
Null0 route on all your BGP speakers, the traffic will be black-holed as
soon as it enters your network..

ltering-02.pdf and  http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0110/greene.html for more
information and addtl. techniques..


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