[c-nsp] Frame PVC -> 802.1q VLAN

Bruce Pinsky bep at whack.org
Tue Dec 19 14:22:47 EST 2006

Hash: SHA1

David Freedman wrote:
> I'd like to cross connect a Frame Relay PVC with an 802.1q VLAN at IP level.
> I was under the impression the best platform to try with with would be
> software based, namely c7200 running latest 12.0S using local switching.
> However, this does not appear to be possible,
> (in example, am trying to bridge s1/0.200 with f2/0.200)

Hmm, above you say "...at the IP level" and here you say "bridge".  So
which do really want; layer 2 interworking or layer 3 forwarding?

> !
> interface Serial1/0
>   no ip address
>   no ip directed-broadcast
>   encapsulation frame-relay
>   clockrate 2016000
>   frame-relay lmi-type ansi
> !
> interface Serial1/0.200 point-to-point
>   description bridge
>   no ip directed-broadcast
>   frame-relay interface-dlci 200
> !
> !
> interface FastEthernet2/0.200
>   description bridge
>   encapsulation dot1Q 200
>   no ip directed-broadcast
> !
> Router(config)#connect test s1/0 200 fastethernet 2/0.200 inter ip
> Serial1/0 DLCI 200 is not a switched PVC
> %CONN: invalid segment 1
> CONN: Invalid Command
> Since other PVCs exist on the bundle I dont seem to be able to single
> out this PVC to make it switched,
> Router(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 200 switched
>                                                      ^
> % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

By not switched, it means that the interface is being treated as a UNI
interface and not an NNI.  For interworking, you need it to be NNI via
"frame-relay switching" global command.  However, IIRC, that will not allow
for a mix of UNI and NNI on the same device.

> So I thought , out of desperation, I'd try using bridging:
> Router(config)# interface f2/0.200
> Router(config-subif)#bridge-group 1
> Bridging is not supported on 802.1Q Encapsulated Subinterface.
> This does not appear to be possible either.


> Well, I'm all out of suggestions, I would rather not purchase an
> external box to do this.
> Can anybody offer any advice as to how this would be possible
> with cisco kit?

The Local Switching feature appears to support only ATM->Frame/Frame->ATM
interworking.  It appears to be more suited to switching "like
encapsulations" between interfaces on the same device.   See

I think you are more looking for L2VPN Interworking.  It's generally used
between PE devices but I suppose could be done local to the same PE
(haven't done enough testing though).  Here is a pointer to the L2VPN
Interworking feature docs:

It lists come common configurations and restrictions.  And here is a config
snippet that I was trying but haven't had enough time to validate if it
should/would work or not:

ip cef
frame-relay switching
l2tp-class interworking-class
 hostname R4
 password 7 04570A04
pseudowire-class inter-ether-vlan
 encapsulation l2tpv3
 interworking ethernet
 protocol l2tpv3 interworking-class
 ip local interface Loopback0
pseudowire-class inter-ether-vlan-2
 encapsulation l2tpv3
 interworking ethernet
 protocol l2tpv3 interworking-class
 ip local interface Loopback1
interface Loopback0
 ip address
 no clns route-cache
interface Loopback1
 ip address
 no clns route-cache
interface Ethernet0/0
 no ip address
interface Ethernet0/0.3
 encapsulation dot1Q 10
 xconnect 1 pw-class inter-ether-vlan
interface Serial2/0
 no ip address
 encapsulation frame-relay
connect fr-vlan Serial2/0 200 l2transport
 xconnect 1 pw-class inter-ether-vlan-2

If can tell us a little more about exactly what you need to do, perhaps I
can figure out some other alternatives.

- --

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