[c-nsp] Distinct MAC addresses for 7609's L3 LAN ports

Brett Frankenberger rbf+cisco-nsp at panix.com
Mon Jan 16 17:14:26 EST 2006

> The question is: is there any known bad side-effect from
> manually assigning MAC addresses onto L3 ports of the
> WS-X6548-GE-TX module?  For instance, is there risk to force
> (MSFC) software-based forwarding or any similar undesired
> behavior?  Please advise.

It's not a lincecard issue[1]; it's a Supervisor (actually, PFC) issue.   
Sup1A, Sup720, and Sup32 support it; Sup2 (w. PFC2) requires the same
MAC address be configured on any Layer 3 port (or SVI).  This is true
for any LAN linecard plugged into the chassis.

Since you're using a Sup720, what you are doing is fine.

     -- Brett

[1] With LAN linecards.  Things are different with WAN interfaces.

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