[c-nsp] Rate Limiting DSL tails once data quota is exceeded..

mb2 at os.datafx.com.au mb2 at os.datafx.com.au
Wed Jan 10 23:36:58 EST 2007


We are terminating DSL tails on Cisco 7200's (Auth'ing via Radiator 
Radius servers) - We are wanting to rate-limit these tails if there 
usage exceeds a data quota....We have looked at periodically colating 
usage data which is stored in MySQL dbase (Eg. Once a day), and if a 
users usage exceeds quota, change there service profile to 64K(Which is 
a policy-map on the 7200's), then boot that user off via POD and when 
they reconnect(Radius sends reply-attribute of cisco-avpair of new 
profile to LNS), they are on the 64K profile. Then at the end of each 
month, reset the users profiles back to original.

The above works....but for me it is hardly scaleable and a little messy 
- Just wondering if there are any hardware devices out there that do 
the above, or if there is a more "elegant" way to do this?


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