[c-nsp] Cisco 7507 RSP4+ with VIP-2 and 2PA-FE-TX

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 23:41:58 EDT 2007

Howard Leadmon wrote:
> For home use, just find some GEIP units, not the GEIP+ units, as there is a
> HUGE different in the resale value as I am sure you know. If I remember my
> reading correctly, the older GEIP is still good for 3-400mbps, if your running
> more than that wow.

 From what I've been seeing, it doesn't make that much of a difference. 
  The GEIP+ goes for about $100 more.  I'm seeing GEIP cards for $850 
and the GEIP+ cards for $950.  Either would be outside of my price range.

I'm definitely not pushing 400Mbps continuously.  As you would imagine 
for a home network, my traffic is *very* peaky, but if I could get my 
peaky transfers as fast as possible, I'd be happy.

> Outside of BGP table issues, I wouldn't even touch it, it's been a great
> router.  I have it running 12.2S, in SSO mode with dual RSP4's, a couple of
> the GEIP+'s, and all the other cards are all on VIP4-80's as well.  

That's a pretty nice setup.  I am probably going to try to upgrade to 
RSP4 + VIP4 soon.

> The only thing I would really see wrong with it at home is the power it draws,
> I am sure that has to hurt on the electric bill!

Well, I am running a 7505 and not a 7507, which helps a bit with the 
power bill.  It's still a pretty big load.

Peace...  Sridhar

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