[c-nsp] IP blocks from Asian RIRs?

Noel Butler noel.butler at ausics.net
Fri Nov 30 18:25:34 EST 2007

On Sat, 2007-12-01 at 00:44, Ken A wrote:

> We use iptables on linux webservers to block a couple of them from ports 
> 20-22. You can get the zones from: 
> rsync://countries-ns.mdc.dk/zone/zz.countries.nerd.dk.rbldnsd
> Ken

Sort of what I do, well almost...

I have a small script that weekly retrieves the list from APNIC, with
awk it extracts the countries I want, then cleans it up and loads it, if
successful, scp's the file to other servers and loads them :)

It's nasty, it's messy, but it works :)

It's ashame we have to do this, I have no problems at all with other
asian countries like Japan, Thailand and so on, it's only China, Taiwan,
Korea and as of last 3 or so months, Hong Kong, and you'd think with
Chinas politics and strong net restrictions, they of all of them would
be the least problem, but it seems not, however I have heard they are
trying to do something about it for which I do applaud them, but sadly I
think it still might be a while before I feel its cleaned up enough to
remove China from the 'hitlist'.


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