[c-nsp] BFD support in 12.2(33)SXH on ME6524

Justin Shore justin at justinshore.com
Thu Oct 18 14:41:56 EDT 2007

During a recent upgrade from the ZU2 code to SXH on one of our 6524s I 
ran into BFD trouble.  In ZU2 we had BFD configured on a pair of SVIs 
and it worked great.  Apparently in SXH BFD is only supported on 
physical interfaces.

TAC told me some time back that ZU2 was a special SX release to support 
the ME6524s.  Does anyone know why the feature regression occured or 
even better if this will be fixed in a later release?  L3 interfaces 
aren't possible in our setup without some serious reworking.


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