[c-nsp] Ping packet 1400byte on cisco consume 2Mbps of bandwith

Aladi Saputra aladi at indo.net.id
Thu Sep 27 11:57:12 EDT 2007

Dear all,

i have a network like this :

                             ISP Metro Ethernet link
Cisco Router A = > Catalyst 2900  ================= Catalyst
==> Cisco Router B

Condition :

1. ISP Link is 1,5Mbps
2. All off Interconection link using UTP Cat5

Problem :

If Router A ping to Router B with 1400byte or Router B Ping
with 1400byte to Router A , it's take more than 2Mbps of
Bandwith. It is Normally or maybe somebody can give me an
explanation for this . Thank's


mailto:aladi at indo.net.id

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