[c-nsp] MPLS Using SVI's?

Murphy, William William.Murphy at uth.tmc.edu
Thu Apr 10 13:11:22 EDT 2008

I am testing some MPLS migration approaches in the lab and I am curious
if anyone has any input on the approach shown below...  Basically I have
several layer-2 networks that span through my core and distribution
boxes (VLANs 300 & 500) and I want to move these to a layer-3 network
sitting on an MPLS L3VPN.  I considered this approach because it seemed
to me that I could build the tag switching network in parallel, make
sure all my routing is working, and then move the hosts into the new
network.  Once finished I could clean-up the legacy VLANs and then move
the tag switching to the physical interfaces...


I am basically looking for some input on this approach and to identify
any potential gotchas...  Thanks in advance for your advice...



Vlan 300 & 500 are the L2 VLAN's

Vlan 3000 exists only on this link between PE1 and P1, there are similar
VLANs and /30's between all the tag switches configured similar to


interface GigabitEthernet5/1


 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 300,500,3000

 switchport mode trunk

 no ip address



interface Vlan3000

 description L3_P1_TO_PE1

 ip address

 tag-switching mtu 1508

 tag-switching ip



Bill Murphy
Senior Network Analyst
University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston

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