[c-nsp] Discussion list for RADIUS?

Steve Bertrand cisco at ibctech.ca
Mon May 26 08:41:49 EDT 2008

> 	Thanks, I think I have everything I need! (Well, except for how to
> "use" a file in perl thats a bareword (use $authorization_module;) . Tried
> to : eval "use authorization_module;"  : but its just not working. But not
> a c-nsp issue. :) )

I know it's not Cisco related, and I don't know exactly what context you 
are trying to 'use' the file, but have you tried declaring your 
$authorization_module variable with a path in quotes? eg:

my $auth_module = 'path/to/auth_module_file';
require $auth_module;

This will get you around the 'bareword' problem when using strict, 
depending on your context of course.


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