[c-nsp] IPv6 duplicate address

Hank Nussbacher hank at efes.iucc.ac.il
Tue May 27 02:18:49 EDT 2008

At 08:16 AM 27-05-08 +0200, Gert Doering wrote:

>I have seen this as well, and it's especially annoying if it happens
>as consequence of a link outage from the carrier (link going down, going
>into "loop" state, then coming back to "up") - if you're unlucky, a short
>glitch can kill your IPv6 on the line hard until you manually reset the
>The current behaviour is pretty much a direct consequence from the RFC
>(DAD is mandatory), but I think that IOS could be a bit more smart about
>it, like "restart DAD every 5 minutes" or "recognize a looped->up=20
>transition on the interface, and then restart DAD".
>So - by all means, please open a TAC case.
>As a workaround, we have used "ipv6 nd dad attempts 5" on the specific
>line that gave us headaches - so we've never pressed the issue with Cisco.

Opened TAC case.  Will update after I have a bugid.


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