[c-nsp] 95th percentile billing software

Chris Cappuccio chris at nmedia.net
Thu Mar 12 13:45:08 EDT 2009

RTG http://rtg.sourceforge.net/ is popular because it stores real 95th data, without averaging it, into a database for accurate billing.  Unfortunately the software itself is poorly written so if it doesn't work properly on your platform or your number of targets, then it sucks.  The latest release is from 2003 but the mailing list is active.  The CVS code is newer.  People in the mailing list seem to have work arounds for the poller bugs, by using other pollers. http://lists.grdata.com/pipermail/rtg/

RTG-Report http://search.cpan.org/~msimerson/RTG-Report-1.16/ can be used to pull RTG data out of your RTG database into Perl scripts.

JRTG http://jrtg.sourceforge.net/ is less popular, but maintained.  Oddly, it is migrating to JRRD, which is exactly what RTG was trying to avoid (a database that would average data into larger timeslots as it ages.)

CACTI http://www.cacti.net/ has a 95th percentile mode for its graphs, but is considered less accurate as it averages samples together (because it uses RRD) thus lowering the overall 95th percentile rating for customers with less constant usage.  The monthly graph uses a 30 minute average, and the yearly graph uses a 1 day average.  Many customers will have a significantly lower 1 day average, due to low night time usage, for instance...

Plenty of other network monitoring tools have a 95th percentile mode too, but most of them use an averaging data store, which doesn't provide you with any sort of long term way to maintain the data!  The data you use to bill one month gets averaged into larger chunks the next month with RRD stores.

Mark Tech [techconfig at yahoo.com] wrote:
> Hi
> I am the lookout for 95th billing software and I'm not sure where to start.?I am open to either commercial or open souce software; just wondering what other people are using/have thoughts on?
> Currently we use Cisco 7600s and GSRs for our ISP platform
> Your input is appreciated
> Regards
> Mark
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