[c-nsp] How to apply individual QoS policies to on an ingress Interface?

Andy Saykao andy.saykao at staff.netspace.net.au
Thu May 7 01:17:32 EDT 2009

Hi All,
I know you can only have one service-policy in/out on an interface - but
what if you need to rate limit mulitple IP's that transit through the
A bit of background first...
We have several customers  (100's of them) who we handle the IP/Internet
side of things for and we use another Provider to provide the physical
side of things (layer 2 hand off).
Physical topology looks like this:
Customer #1 to #100 --- (10Mb) --> Provider A --- (400Mb) --> Netspace
---> Internet
Provider A currently provides the customer with a 10Mb/sec connection
and we would like to rate limit some of these customers to 2Mb, and
others to 4Mb at our ingress, etc.. Is this possible without needing a
class-map and policy-map for each customer???
The config on our border router that peers with Provide A looks like
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.120
 description Interconnect with Provider A
 bandwidth 400000
 encapsulation dot1Q 120
 ip address 203.17.98.x
 service-policy input POLICY-RATE-LIMIT
 service-policy output POLICY-RATE-LIMIT
We currently route the customer's IP through that interface and apply a
policy-map on the interface.
ip route 203.17.98.y
ip route 203.17.98.y
Each customer IP is then placed into an ACL for each class of service
(eg: IP's that receive 2Mb go into ACL-TEST-2MB, etc). 
ip access-list extended ACL-TEST-2MB
 remark Customer #1
 permit ip any host
 permit ip host any
 remark Customer #2
 permit ip any host
 permit ip host any
class-map match-all RATE-LIMIT-2MB
  match access-group name ACL-TEST-2MB
  class RATE-LIMIT-2MB
   police 2000000 375000 750000    conform-action transmit
exceed-action transmit     violate-action drop
However, when I went to lab this up, each customer IP did not receive
their full bandwidth allocation but were instead using the shared
bandwidth with all the other customer IP's in the same ACL. My lab
demonstrated that Customer #1 and #2 were both sharing the allotted 2Mb
bandwidth whilst both were doing a download (eg: Customer #1 50-70KB/sec
and Customer #2 150-175KB/sec). When I cancelled the download of
Customer #2, Customer #1's transfer rate increased to used the entire
2Mb and vice versa if I had cancelled Customer #1's download. Iff my
understanding is correct, all the IP's in the ACL end up sharing the 2Mb
bandwidth as if was just one big pipe (or bucket) rather than each
customer IP having it's on little 2Mb bucket (which is what I want to
see happen).
I think to get around this, each customer needs their own class-map and
policy-map like so:
class-map match-all CUSTOMER1-2MB
 match access-group name ACL-CUSTOMER1
class-map match-all CUSTOMER2-2MB
 match access-group name ACL-CUSTOMER2
   police 2000000 375000 750000    conform-action transmit
exceed-action transmit     violate-action drop
   police 2000000 375000 750000    conform-action transmit
exceed-action transmit     violate-action drop
ip access-list extended ACL-CUSTOMER1

 permit ip any host
 permit ip host any
ip access-list extended ACL-CUSTOMER2
 permit ip any host
 permit ip host any

The policy-map applied to the interface remains the same.
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.120
 service-policy input POLICY-RATE-LIMIT
 service-policy output POLICY-RATE-LIMIT
So my question really is, do we need a class-map and policy-map for each
customer or is there a more elegant solution. Can't imagine having to
configure 100's of class-maps, policy-maps and ACL's for each customer
or the impact to the CPU if it has to go through 100's of classes to
find a match :)

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