[c-nsp] Cisco 6509 SUP2-MSFC2 and PCMCIA Flash

Stephen Cobb scobb at telecoast.com
Wed Mar 17 15:27:14 EDT 2010

Sorry guys - it's 7.x not 8.x ROMMON:

seen 3rd party ATA disks cause these sorts of issues, but Jon is right about
the [unsupported] capacity.

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Jon Lewis <jlewis at lewis.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Mar 2010, Larry Stites wrote:
>  Is it possible that 128mb is too large amount of flash memory for the
>> S2-MSFC2 to recognize? Does the Supervisor module only accommodate 64Mb
>> max?
>> We're having trouble with (MEM-C6K-ATA-1-128M) PCMCIA 128MB memory cards
>> for
>> the S2-MSFC2. No matter which of (4) S2-MSFC2 we put the memory cards in
>> we
>> get:
>> %Error opening slot0:/ (No device available)
>> which is the same error as if nothing is in that slot.
>> (We tried disk0:  as well)
> These are ATA flash cards and should show up as disk0:, not slot0:.  I've
> used up to 512mb ATA flash cards in Sup2s without any problems.
> !Flash: disk0: 512581632 bytes total (281837568 bytes free)
> !Slot 1: type Catalyst 6000 supervisor 2 (Active), 2 ports
> !Slot 1: part WS-X6K-SUP2-2GE, serial SAL0733JPQJ
> !Slot 1: hvers 4.3, firmware 7.1(1), sw 12.2(18)SXD7
> That's some clippings from an old rancid CVS version of the "config". That
> particular device isn't currently in service as we replaced our Sup2s with
> Sup720s.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Jon Lewis                   |  I route
>  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
>  Atlantic Net                |
> _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________
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Stephen F. Cobb • Senior Sales Engineer, CCNA/CCDA/DCNID/CSE
Telecoast Communications, LLC • Santa Barbara, CA
o 877.677.1182 x272 • c 760.807.0570 • f 805.618.1610
aim/yahoo telecoaststephen

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