[c-nsp] optic diag commands on 6500

Jeroen van Ingen jeroen at zijndomein.nl
Fri Jun 10 15:45:56 EDT 2011

> Hi,
> Is there a similar command on the 6500s as on the Junipers below:
>   show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/0/8
> Physical interface: xe-0/0/8
>      Laser bias current                        :  39.304 mA
>      Laser output power                        :  0.7050 mW / -1.52 dBm
>      Module temperature                        :  41 degrees C / 106 degrees F
>      Module voltage                            :  3.2490 V
>      Receiver signal average optical power     :  0.1063 mW / -9.73 dBm
Yes, there is:

show interfaces te2/1 transceiver
Transceiver monitoring is disabled for all interfaces.

ITU Channel not available (Wavelength not available),
Transceiver is internally calibrated.
If device is externally calibrated, only calibrated values are printed.
++ : high alarm, +  : high warning, -  : low warning, -- : low alarm.
NA or N/A: not applicable, Tx: transmit, Rx: receive.
mA: milliamperes, dBm: decibels (milliwatts).

                                          Optical   Optical
             Temperature  Voltage  Current   Tx Power  Rx Power
Port        (Celsius)    (Volts)  (mA)      (dBm)     (dBm)
----------  -----------  -------  --------  --------  --------
Te2/1         33.0       0.00      40.8 --   -1.4      -4.2

(this is on a Cat6k with Sup720-3B running SXI2a)


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