[c-nsp] IOS XR BGP Filters

Ivan cisco-nsp at itpro.co.nz
Tue Dec 31 19:18:56 EST 2013


I am adding some routers running ISO XR to my network.  For the most 
part things are straight forward and I quite like RPL.

In IOS BGP I would apply per neighbor BGP as-path and prefix filters and 
a global route-map, something like

neighbor x.x.x.x filter-list x in
neighbor x.x.x.x prefix-list cust-a in
neighbor x.x.x.x route-map all-custs in

Now with IOS XR it seems the only filtering that can be applied is a 
single route-policy.  So I am thinking that I will be needing a parent 
rpl policy per neighbour for the as-path and prefix filtering (as these 
differ per neighbor) and a common child policy for everything else... am 
I on the right track?



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