[c-nsp] ASR1001 not forwarding traffic

Ali Sumsam ali+cisconsp at eintellego.net
Mon Aug 4 01:40:43 EDT 2014

Hi All,

I have bought a new CiscoASR1001. Just configured it as a PPPoE server with
simplest configuration. My PPPoE client connects successfully, gets
authenticated and gets the IP address. But packet are not forwarded if I
try to ping internet or even the ASR from the PPPoE client.

The same configuration works fine on a Cisco IOS router, If I make it a
PPPoE server.

Do I need to enable something on my ASR1001? or am I using a wrong IOS

Source of my configuration is

Device> *enable*
Device# *configure terminal*
Device(config)# *interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0*
Device(config-if)# *no ip address*
Device(config-if)# *pppoe enable*
Device(config-if)# *pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1*
Device(config-if)# *no shutdown*
Device(config-if)# *exit*
Device(config)# *interface dialer 1*
Device(config-if)# *mtu 1492*
Device(config-if)# *ip address negotiated*
Device(config-if)# *encapsulation ppp*
Device(config-if)# *dialer pool 1*
Device(config-if)# *ppp pap sent-username username1 password password1*
Device(config-if)# *end*

Example: Configuring PPPoE on IPv4

Example: Server Configuration

Device> *enable*
Device# *configure terminal*
Device# *username username1 password password1*
Device(config)# *bba-group pppoe bba1*
Device(config-bba-group)# *virtual-template 1*
Device(config-bba-group)# *exit*
Device(config)# *interface loopback 1*
Device(config-if)# *ip address*
Device(config-if)# *exit*
Device(config)# *interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0*
Device(config-if)# *no ip address*
Device(config-if)# *negotiation auto*
Device(config-if)# *pppoe enable group bba1*
Device(config-if)# *no shutdown*
Device(config-if)# *exit*
Device(config)# *interface virtual-template 1*
Device(config-if)# *description pppoe bba1*
Device(config-if)# *mtu 1492*
Device(config-if)# *ip unnumbered loopback 1*
Device(config-if)# *peer default ip address pool pool1*
Device(config-if)# *ppp authentication pap*
Device(config-if)# *exit*
Device(config)# *ip local pool pool1*
Device(config)# *end*

#show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.11.00.S - Standard Support Release
Cisco IOS Software, ASR1000 Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M),
Version 15.4(1)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)


System image file is
Last reload reason: Reload Command

License Level: ipbase
License Type: Default. No valid license found.
Next reload license Level: ipbase

cisco ASR1001 (1RU) processor with 6848982K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID SSI181608S5
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16777216K bytes of physical memory.
7741439K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.
999424K bytes of USB flash at usb0:.

Configuration register is 0x2102


*Ali Sumsam  - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
Senior Network Engineer
ali at eintellegonetworks.com ; www.eintellegonetworks.com

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)450 609 592 ; skype://sumsam.ali80

facebook.com/eintellegonetworks ;  <http://twitter.com/networkceoau>

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