[c-nsp] VPLS BGP Signaling

Mohammad Khalil eng_mssk at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 26 09:58:40 EDT 2015

As we are in the talk of l2vpns , I have searched on google for configuration for evpn but for Cisco I did not find good documentation regarding it , did anyone tried it before and can share?

From: eng_mssk at hotmail.com
To: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net; nick at foobar.org
Subject: RE: VPLS BGP Signaling
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 16:53:26 +0300

Thanks all , I have figured it out It was the ve id on both routers , configured similar , when I changed it on CSR2 it worked :)
From: eng_mssk at hotmail.com
To: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net; nick at foobar.org
Subject: Re: VPLS BGP Signaling
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 16:45:05 +0300

Hi Nick/AllSorry for the bad format
Is it readable now?

Hi all
I have two CSR1000v boxes which am trying to establish several VPLS combinations for connectivity between two switches
All combinations worked perfectly except for BGP signaling (all the previous setups depend on LDP as a signaling
l2vpn vfi context VFIB
 vpn id 105
 autodiscovery bgp signaling bgp
  ve id 105
  ve range 55
  route-target export 1:1
  route-target import 1:1
bridge-domain 105
 member GigabitEthernet2 service-instance 105
 member vfi VFIB
interface GigabitEthernet2
 no ip address
 negotiation auto
 service instance 105 ethernet
  encapsulation dot1q 105
ASR1#sh xconnect all
Legend:    XC ST=Xconnect State  S1=Segment1 State  S2=Segment2 State
  UP=Up       DN=Down            AD=Admin Down      IA=Inactive
  SB=Standby  HS=Hot Standby     RV=Recovering      NH=No Hardware
XC ST  Segment 1                         S1 Segment 2                         S2
-- pri  vfi VFIB                         UP unkn Invalid Segment              --
UP pri   bd 105                          UP  vfi VFIB                         UP
ASR1#show bgp l2vpn vpls all
BGP table version is 5, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, f RT-Filter,
              x best-external, a additional-path, c RIB-compressed,
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V valid, I invalid, N Not found
     Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 1:105
 * i 1:105:VEID-105:Blk-55/136
                               0    100      0 ?
 *>                                     32768 ?
No ping between the two hosts 
ASR1#sh run | sec router bgp
router bgp 1
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
 no bgp default ipv4-unicast
 neighbor remote-as 1
 neighbor update-source Loopback0
 address-family ipv4
 address-family l2vpn vpls
  neighbor activate
  neighbor send-community both
  neighbor suppress-signaling-protocol ldp
Any ideas?

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