[c-nsp] ASR902 vs ME3800X

Adam Vitkovsky Adam.Vitkovsky at gamma.co.uk
Thu Mar 19 09:25:13 EDT 2015

Amen to that.

I was looking at juniper MX104 as an alternative to ASR903 as there are no stupid route scale restrictions and according to some posts you can fit 890K paths and 500K prefixes in it just fine.
However it only has one RP.
And rLFA is pretty recent feature in Junos (read nod recommended by Juniper for production rollout).
So I guess I’m once again 2 years ahead of the HW with my requirements.


From: Mark Tinka [mailto:mark.tinka at seacom.mu]
Sent: 19 March 2015 10:47
To: Adam Vitkovsky; CiscoNSP List; cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] ASR902 vs ME3800X

On 19/Mar/15 12:40, Adam Vitkovsky wrote:

I see so it's the same as MEs and RSP1/2 -A
It's a shame that Cisco decided that 20k is enough and that's it, if you want more go buy ASR9000.
But I can sort of see their point cause fully loaded ASR903 is like a "mini me" version of the big ASR and if it would support 128k prefixes that would be a killer box.

I know a vendor pushing product with tons of ports in 1U and 2U form factor switches that can hold 128,000 entries in FIB, reasonably priced. So this is not rocket science.

You need those kinds of scales to support MPLS in the Access.

One idea I've given a one vendor is license FIB slots. This way, they develop a single version of hardware with a maximum FIB size that does not break the bank, and license access to the FIB on a pay-as-you-grow model, e.g., if you want 5,000 FIB slots, pay this; if you want 100,000 FIB slots, pay that, e.t.c.

I'd happily pay for that, because removing STP in the Access won't work if vendors are pushing product with FIB space stuck in the '90's.

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