[cisco-voip] Adding 0 prefix

Bryan Deaver bdeaver at cisco.com
Tue May 18 15:06:57 EDT 2004

Starting in 12.2(11)T, you can use voice translation-rules which use SED
regular expressions; see url below.  There are likely a few ways to do this
but I show an example below which should do what you want.


voice translation-rule 1
 rule 1 /^.*/ /0\0/
voice translation-profile translate_calling
 translate calling 1

voice-port 0:D
 translation-profile incoming translate_calling


> From: Nicolas Goy <goyman at goyman.com>
> Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 17:51:05 +0200
> To: cisco-voip <cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
> Subject: [cisco-voip] Adding 0 prefix
> Hello,
> I use CME as the call manager.
> I want to make a translation rule that "add" a 0 at the beggining of
> the number.
> For 0215555555 I want 00215555555. This is because we must do the 0
> before the number to get connected to the PSTN, and when someone call
> from the PSTN, the number is saved as 0215555555 in our phone (7940 and
> 7960) and when we want to call back, we must always add the 0 manually
> and this is anoying.
> So I though about adding a translation rule to the voice-port in our
> cme router.
> But the problem is that I don't know how to do this.
> Any idea?
> Regards
> Goyman
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