[cisco-voip] CRA and Extension Mobility

Court Schuett cschuett at hfsnorthamerica.com
Mon Jun 6 13:24:13 EDT 2005


Having some issues here and could use some advice.  Currently we are
running CCM4.0 and CRA 3.5(2).  For all the users now, each user simply
logs on to their own phone through the Phone Agent service.  That's
working for now, but we're starting to expand and pull on some summer
help.  We're going to need some users who won't have their own phone but
will log on to phones as they are empty.  

I was going to try and use Extension Mobility to create them a profile
and have them log on to that and then log on to the Phone Agent.  Is
that a viable option?  The best option?

Currently I'm having some problems even implementing it though. When I
try to have them log on, they are able to log on to the phone with
Extension Mobility.  However, whenever they try to log on to the Phone
Agent, it gives them "Invalid Entry(s), Retry".  When I looked in the
logs on the CRA server it looks like an invalid user.  However, they are
set up with an ICD extension on their profile and I see them populated
in both the rmjtapi device associations and in the CRA Appadmin page.
Am I doing something wrong?

Any advice or ideas for better ways to do this would be greatly


Court Schuett
cschuett at hprlogistics.com

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