[SPAM] - [cisco-voip] Music on hold. - Email found in subject

Marc Hering mhering at reval.com
Tue Mar 8 10:20:23 EST 2005

I have the same issue, I run Linux as my base OS on all my PC's. I am
sure there is an Opensource program that does this. but since the
network I admin is Win based, I use VMware and run windows inside my
Linux OS, that way I can use the Win tools to convert the audio...  but
if anyone knows an OpenSource tool that does this I'd love to know as


Can you recommend to me some audio converter (for Linux OS) so I can 
change encoding from
RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 8 bit, mono 11025

RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, ITU G.711 mu-law, mono 8000 Hz
and RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 8000 Hz ?

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