[cisco-voip] Vmware Supported by Cisco...Thoughts??

Simon, Bill BillS at tns.its.psu.edu
Fri Jun 16 08:38:29 EDT 2006

This seems like an insane direction to go if you're talking about a
production environment.  I doubt you are, but you didn't specify "test".  It
would not be supported, your whole cluster would crash if the host machine
went down, realtime processing would suffer, etc.......
Because we've been running Cisco AVVID stuff for about five years now we
have been able to just use outdated hardware that's been removed from
production for our test environment.  It's a little slower, but overall,
probably no slower than emulated machines in VMware.  (Probably faster,

Bill Simon - bills at tns.its.psu.edu - (814) 865-2270
http://tns.its.psu.edu/ <http://tns.its.psu.edu/> 



From: Leetun, Rob [mailto:rleetun at co.boulder.co.us] 
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 8:29 AM
To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: [cisco-voip] Vmware Supported by Cisco...Thoughts??

Let's take this communication in another direction...  This is very
interesting to read all the comments and questions about Vmware.  When we
purchased our environment from Cisco.  We had problems with TAC support
after the install because our environment was not standard in their opinion.
I have two questions: 

1. Does Cisco support the Vmware environment?  

2. And if so, what are the parameters for support and guidance? 

3. And, what products do they support, e.g. Windows? 

This could save us $$ when it comes to replacing servers! 



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