[cisco-voip] question about AD and creating Unity accounts...

Tim Reimers tim.reimers at asheville.k12.nc.us
Tue Aug 21 10:59:52 EDT 2007



We use Unity 4.01 in it's own AD domain (a Messaging only deployment)
and we have our own AD domain on a different VLAN.


We are in the process of fully automating the creation of users on our
data domain via VBS scripting and potentially Microsoft's MIIS product
to integrate with a statewide student management system.


We'd like to consider including the creation and deletion of Unity
voicemail accounts and _possibly_ phone and Global directory user
accounts in this automation.


Does anyone know if Cisco supports MIIS or any other automated scripting


I'm familiar with BAT for CCM and I think there's something similar in
Tools Depot for Unity ---


But I'm wondering if anyone has automated those tools to the "next
level" by doing something like auto-creating the import files they need
and then automatically launching the BAT/import tools on CCM and Unity
instead of doing the BAT manually?


What does Cisco think of automating this? Do they provide any sort of
framework to design this from, or does the TAC say "you're on your own
if you want to break your system"   ;-)

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