[cisco-voip] what's this file on my router?

Lelio Fulgenzi lelio at uoguelph.ca
Thu Apr 3 09:29:45 EDT 2008

Anyone know what this file is? I have other .bin files that I know are the s/w, but this is not .bin and I'm just wondering if it's something I need.

   24  -rw-    34941924   Jun 6 2007 16:46:18 -04:00  c3845-spservicesk9-mz-124-11t2-mgcp7

Lelio Fulgenzi, B.A.
Senior Analyst (CCS) * University of Guelph * Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1
(519) 824-4120 x56354 (519) 767-1060 FAX (JNHN)
Java-Clavis-Domus Theorem: The ability to keep your hands on the home keys is inversely
related to the amount of caffeine ingested in the last 30 minutes. 
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