[cisco-voip] Unity 4.2 missing default location for license in unitydb on failover

Pat Hayes pat-cv at wcyv.com
Sat Sep 20 14:37:40 EDT 2008

Check the Locations table in SQL, verify whether there is a row in
there with an alias of 'default'. Assuming there is, you likely just
need to fix the value for that row's 'Uid'. It should be set to
'default' followed by the system id. The system id can be found in the
registry from:

HKLM\Software\Active Voice\Doh\1.0\System ID

Be sure to use the hex version, not the decimal. For example, my lab
server's system id is 380f2c89, so the Uid is 'default380f2c89'. You
may also need to make the same change in the GlobalLocation table. If
you have multiple unity servers in your AD, you'll need to note the
LocationObjectId from the location table to know which is the correct
row to update in the GlobalLocation table.

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 12:14 PM,  <Thorsten.Mayr at barclayscapital.com> wrote:
> To keep it short.. On a failover server where Unity won't start any more
> Application log errors:
> Error:
> (Unexpected result in CAvLic::QueryS. 0x800a0bcd Either BOF or EOF is
> True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation
> requires a current record)
> Error:
> Media component (Miu) initialize failed. Unable to read data from the
> license server.  To troubleshoot this problem, open the Cisco Unity
> Licensing snap-in and examine the alerts. (internal failure
> code=0x8004330f).
> Error:
> AvCsMgr: Component Miu initialize failed.  Turn on diagnostics for
> component Miu to troubleshoot.  Technical Details:
> IAvCsComponent::Initialize failed with error [0x8004330F; ??]
> Error:
> AvCsMgr service failed to initialize the component manager.
> When I follow the suggestions from the lic manager and do:
> exec sp_finddefaultlocation the results is empty .... (state / dtmf...
> Etc.. No values)
> Any idea on how to fix it apart from reinstalling Unity?
> No backup of the database on the failover box unfortunately.
> Thanks
> T
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