[cisco-voip] Directories to exclude in for antivirus in CCM4.2.3

Louis Koekemoer (ZA) Louis.Koekemoer at za.didata.com
Thu Jan 8 00:20:00 EST 2009

I have a customer that is still stuck on CCM 4.2.3, and we need to get anti virus on their system a.s.a.p. Does anyone know which directories we need to exclude?

Louis Koekemoer
Cisco IPT Systems Engineer
Dimension Data
Tel.          +27 (11) 575 6560
Mob.       +27 (71) 680 8790
Fax.         +27 (11) 576 6560
Louis.Koekemoer at za.didata.com

P Before printing I think about the environment

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