[cisco-voip] UCCX Node Manager fails after SQL2000 installation

rj.e at gmx.de rj.e at gmx.de
Wed Jan 21 03:19:25 EST 2009

I'm doing a HA UCCX7 setup. Installation of the UCCX Software was OK.
After I installed SQL2000 on the second node then the UCCX Node Manager keeps restarting on the second node. 
Any  ideas what could be wrong?
Additional hint: I started to set up the first node having only a non-HA license. But after adding the HA license there is still the same problem. Maybe I have to start the complete installation from the beginning?


Log file shows that:

194: Jan 20 17:00:36.516 CET %MCVD-BOOTSTRAP_MGR-7-UNK:BootstrapManagerImpl.addListener():
BootstrapListener added: com.cisco.license.impl.LicenseImpl$5 at 2d13c1
configure unavailable or retrieve error:
Exception=com.cisco.config.ConfigNotFoundException: Query returned zero results
196: Jan 20 17:00:36.578 CET
%MCVD-LIB_LICENSE-3-EXCEPTION:com.cisco.config.ConfigNotFoundException: Query returned
zero results

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

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