[cisco-voip] B-ACD on SRST only (not SRST-CME)

Lelio Fulgenzi lelio at uoguelph.ca
Sun Mar 14 12:08:35 EDT 2010

According to this post, it seems like you can use B-ACD scripts on SRST (not SRST-CME). 


Has anyone tried this out and have it working? 

Ed Leatherman: I know you were doing something like this on SRST-CME, did you ever try on SRST only? 

Lelio Fulgenzi, B.A. 
Senior Analyst (CCS) * University of Guelph * Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 
(519) 824-4120 x56354 (519) 767-1060 FAX (JNHN) 
Cooking with unix is easy. You just sed it and forget it. 
- LFJ (with apologies to Mr. Popeil) 

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